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Access all of our Tutorials, Live streams and Behind the Scenes resources & materials today from some of the worlds best award winning photographers.

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Austin Hackworth

Points Gold Silver

Hey there!Photography has been a love of mine since middle school when I picked up my first Canon film camera. Finally, in 2021, I decided to start pursuing it professionally! I have recently niched down to focus on high school senior portraits and lifestyle branding, but still do the occasional wedding!I absolutely love to learn! I've taken as many online classes as time and money have allowed over the last 2 1/2 years. I only started learning & playing around with off-camera flash last December of 2022. It's so addicting and I can't wait to learn from this amazing community!I'm a Wyoming native, but I recently moved to El Paso, Texas, where I live with my hubby and our two dogs, Bonnie and Lola!I'm a sci-fi nerd, love to bake sourdough, and if it's a nice day you'll most likely find me outside. My husband and I love to camp, hike, kayak, fish ect.

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