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Access all of our Tutorials, Live streams and Behind the Scenes resources & materials today from some of the worlds best award winning photographers.


Watch Ben Connolly demonstrate how he uses Photoshop to take his images to a whole new level

In this stream, multi-award winning wedding photographer Ben Connolly very kindly shares with us how he chooses and then prepares images for awards and contests.

Ben has won countless awards for his work, he has spoken at WPPI and has also sat in on hours of judging and critique sessions, so there is no better person to talk us through what it takes to take our images from good to award winning. Ben also very kindly edits an image submitted by Flash Masters member Matthew Fitzpatrick, it was a fantastic image to begin with but Ben takes it to a whole new level with his post processing.

This was indeed a masterclass in editing and an insight in to the time and effort Ben puts in to the images which he enters in to awards. Thank you so much Ben for all you shared in this stream - we are incredibly grateful.

To find out more about Ben's work and the education he offers, please visit his website: https://benconnolly.com.au/

About the author

Ben Connolly, Wedding Photographer - Speaker - Educator & Mentor. Widely regarded as one of Australia's Top 10 Wedding Photographers, Ben is a Master of Photography in both the USA & Europe, Asia Wedding Photographer of the year in 2020 & 2021, International Cosmos Awards Top 10 and one of 8 Australians listed on Worlds Best Wedding Photos .com. Ben is a passionate OCF Photographer and teacher with workshops in the USA - WPPI and in Australia while also photographing 50+ weddings a year. Ben is committed to building a wider community of OCF Photographers with world class skills and creativity through continued education, awards and support. Ben hosts photography and business workshops year round and will soon be launching the most comprehensive online Photography Entrepreneurs Program in Australia, designed to not only give photographers all the photography and creative skills but also give them the formula to be successful in business. Ben also mentors fellow Photographers and Entrepreneurs with 6 & 12 month in person and online coaching programs and also offers one on one sessions both online and in person. Photography aside, when Ben is not behind the camera he loves nothing more than hanging out with his Bulldog Mansfred and Kart Racing on his rare weekends off.

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