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Access all of our Tutorials, Live streams and Behind the Scenes resources & materials today from some of the worlds best award winning photographers.


Find out how Aftershoot can transform your post processing workflow and revolutionise your photography business

Since it's launch, Aftershoot has revolutionised the photography industry, saving photographers hours and hours of time with both culling and editing.

In this stream we are joined by Aftershoot co-founder Justin Benson, who very kindly introduces Aftershoot to us and provides us with a complete walkthrough of all of Aftershoot's features and how best you can use them to save time, which you can then use in other areas of your photography business.

Trust us when we say that Aftershoot can literally transform your photography business.

We are HUGE fans of Aftershoot at Flash Masters and are so proud to have Aftershoot as one of our sponsors. Helen and Neil are both avid users too and if you don't use Aftershoot already, we know that you will want to after seeing this stream. A huge thank you to Justin for joining us!

You can save 15% off an Aftershoot plan by using the code 'FLASHMASTERS' simply visit https://aftershoot.com/ to sign up

About the author
JB5 2320 Edit

Justin Benson

A wedding photographer and the Co-founder of Aftershoot (an ai culling and ai editing software) based out of Canton, CT, USA. Photographing weddings with a traditional and classic style with a bit of mood to it! From 2009 to 2023 photographing hundreds of weddings, workflows are dialed in like clockwork. Venues dub him "the fastest photographer this side of the Mississippi". His mother once said "His pictures could be better, but I guess they are good enough". Friends acclaim Justin to be "A photographer who doesn't really let you down, but doesn't really make you that excited either." Clients say "if his pictures were as good as his jokes, we would have the best photographer in the world. But they arent."

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