Members Spotlight - Alex Buckland Photography
Where in the world are you based? Where is the most exciting location you have shot at?
South UK, Shooting in London and Paris were quite exciting places I have shot in.
When did you set up your photography business and what genres of photography do you shoot?
Set my business up in 2015 whilst serving in the British Army, initially capturing fellow soldiers weddings. Primarily shoot weddings however very fortunate to capture several proposal shoots every year
What would you say has been your most memorable photography job and why?
My first shoot following Covid at the end of lockdown. After not photographing people for so long, and investing so much of lockdown to education, I was bursting with creativity. Fortunately I had an engagement shoot booked with an amazing couple and I felt so in my element. It is very memorable as it felt so good to be back doing what I love and am so passionate about!
What is your all time favourite photograph you have taken and why?
A photo I took of my friend in Kenya in 2014. We were treating locals and a small child came into our treatment tent. I quickly grabbed my camera and captured a photo of my friend and the child together. It was such a poignant moment for me, that very night I had an epiphany that when I leave the Army I wanted to be a photographer and my journey into forming a photography business grew from there!
Reveal one thing you keep in your camera bag that people may not expect to be there. Why is it there?
A travel deodorant and a travel Parfum, just to keep fresh on the hot summer days!
What is the biggest reason you like using off camera flash?
I love the creativeness of it. I love creating something from nothing, something unique and different to what many others might not try, giving a different look to a scene that can only come from flash.
What is the best part/biggest benefit of being a Flash Masters member?
The education and the community. Plus being surrounded by some of the best photographers in the industry.
If you could give one piece of advice to anyone starting out on their flash photography journey, what would it be?
Set your ambient first before turning your flash on! Prepare to fail - alot! Keep plugging away at it, after a while it will suddenly click (no pun intended!)
Thank you so much Alex for allowing us to feature you and you're fantastic work on our members spotlight! We are truly honoured to have Alex as a members of the Flash Masters community. Want to see more of his work? We wouldn't blame you. Y0u can check out his profile here!