Home > Members Spotlight – Carpe Diem Photography

Members Spotlight – Carpe Diem Photography

Members Spotlight - Chris Wallace at Carpe Diem Photography

Where in the world are you based? 

Cheshire, UK

When did you set up your photography business and what genre(s) of photography do you specialise in?

I set up in 2009 and specialise in wedding photography

What would you say has been your most memorable photography job and why?

Photographing a wedding in a beach mansion in Marbella. It was the most amazing place ever, super relaxed and treated me like the family. It was by far the best wedding i've ever been to.

What is your all time favourite photograph you have taken and why?

Sunrise in Venice. It has got me many many many bookings

Reveal one thing you keep in your camera bag that people may not expect to be there. Why are they there?

Stolen LED lights, you never know when they will come in handy! (We do not condone theft at Flash Masters hahaha!)

What is the biggest reason you like using off camera flash?

Because it's awesome! Makes you stand out from the crowd.

What is the best part/biggest benefit of being a Flash Masters member?

Recognition for using flash, no-where else offers this!

If you could give one piece of advice to anyone starting out on their flash photography journey, what would it be?

Practice !!! Practice practice practice. Its the only way to learn 🙂 




To see more of Chris' amazing images, visit his Flash Masters profile!

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