Home > Members Spotlight – Madison Picture

Members Spotlight – Madison Picture

Flash Masters Members Spotlight

Madison Picture


Where in the world are you based? Where is the most exciting location you have shot at?

We are based by Liverpool in England and the most exciting place we have shot is in Jaipur, India.

When did you set up your photography business and what genres of photography do you shoot?

We have been running for 10 years now and we mainly shoot weddings with the odd bit of commercial work.

What would you say has been your most memorable photography job and why?

India definitely. It was such an eye opening experience being there and a week we will remember forever. The culture, the country and the wedding were all so incredible.

What is your all time favourite photograph you have taken and why? 

Ok, so this is up there with what's your favourite song. Almost impossible to answer. But I had a think and have gone for an image that I love for a few reasons. It's just a normal 85mm bride walking down the aisle with her dad. But, I love the outfits, the emotion, the dad wiping his tear etc. But the reason I love it more is because I thought I was in continuous shooting mode, but I wasn't. So I held my silent shutter down thinking I had loads of the aisle, but this is the only one I took. The feeling I had inside when I realised what had just happened was horrific, but when I looked and saw this one shot, I thought, Thank God.

Reveal one thing you keep in your camera bag that people may not expect to be there. Why is it there?

Magmod ND filter for my flash. I use it almost every party when I want to capture the ambient but get in close.

What is the biggest reason you like using off camera flash?

I love the wow factor you can create and with adding some light and colour.

What is the best part/biggest benefit of being a Flash Masters member?

Seeing all the incredible work from around the world. It's really inspirational.

If you could give one piece of advice to anyone starting out on their flash photography journey, what would it be? 

Get your settings in camera locked in before you even touch the flash.

Thank you so much Nick and Paul at Madison Picture for your amazing spotlight images and advice! We are thrilled to have you as part of the Flash Masters community. If you would like to see more of their images and learn more about the Madison guys you can check out their profile here!